Social Committee
On the weekend of September 28/29, you are invited to our coffee weekend. Plan to attend – there will be a lot going on!
You will have an opportunity to learn about various volunteer opportunities and parish groups in the parish. Parishioners will be available to answer all your questions about .
o the music ministry (choirs at the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses, funeral choir, serving as cantor at Mass)
o the St. Vincent de Paul Society
o children’s Liturgy of the Word at 9:00 Mass
o hospitality ministry (parish coffee Sundays, funeral luncheons, ushers)
o prayer shawl ministry
o Fabulous Faith Finders (grades 4-8 youth group)
o Altar Servers
o Social Committee (parish events, Christmas dinner, Mother’s Day lunch, Parish BBQ, OLOL Cafe, bus trips)
Please prayerfully consider how you can share your time and talents with the parish. Many volunteer positions have a minimal time commitment. Volunteering is very rewarding and the satisfaction that you get from helping is well worth the effort! Please plan to attend our coffee weekend, enjoy some refreshments and be open to the Spirit and the possibility of volunteering.

Join our Social Committee
"Many hands make light work" join our team today